Hi, my name is Jatinder Singh Pandher; I am a second generation Sikh Canadian who is a self-musician. I enjoy writing songs and recording in my home studio. Growing up, I always had an interest in listening to different music, different singers, rappers and rock bands. I enjoyed this so much that I found myself beginning to write my own songs. I chose the Hip-hop/Rap genre, rap being a music genre which is one art form of the Hip-hop culture. I chose to be a rapper because I love the way rappers are able to express themselves without getting judged. Over time, I have developed a desire to make a career out of it, but I have learned that receiving an education is of high importance. With an education, there is a secure plan which can help support an individual’s goals in terms of finances.
What are the best visual aids options out there? Are there any options, which reach optimum standards? Are there any visual aids that do not have problems that come along with it? Is it even logically possible to find a visual aid option that can reach all of our expectations in terms of cost, effectiveness of use, ease of transport, and technical problems? These are the four factors that I have recognized myself, which I feel we should consider when making a decision to purchase a visual aid option to emphasize the information we are presenting. Over the course of 8 blog entries, I will present several different visual aid options. I will go into clear detail of the capabilities of each visual aid. I will introduce the pros and cons of one visual aid option that is very popular within our society in my next blog.
What are Multimedia Slides?
Multimedia slides are a type of visual aid which students, professors, and professionals use to present their information. However, there are many types of multimedia slides to choose from. For example, there are Microsoft PowerPoint, Slide Dog, and Kodak’s carousal projector. Microsoft PowerPoint is a very popular software used today to create many multimedia slides, while Kodak’s carousal projector is more of an older method of presenting slides. Multimedia slides of all sorts have changed with time. Some choices available have pros; they might be cheap, portable, light and easy to use. However, there are also cons to these choices; they might be heavy, expensive, hard to use and not very portable. I will discuss in detail the pros and cons of multimedia slides in my next blog.
1. Guffey, M.E, Rhodes, K. & Rogin, P. (2011). Business Communication. 1120 Birchmount Road, Toronto, Ontario, M1K 5G4: Nelson Education.